Last Child in the Woods-my review
You must read this book! Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv was recommended to me a dozen times. Have you ever heard the term "Nature deficit disorder"? That's from here. We need to save our children from losing their connection with nature. We need to continue the imprinting process that we went through when we explored fields and forests, built forts, and picked wild strawberries or flowers. Have you ever been on a walk through a quiet forest early in the morning? The sun starts to trickle through the trees and suddenly everything is gorgeous. You want to remember how the leaves looked, the brilliant shade of green of the moss, the fungi on the trees, the smell of all things FRESH, the birds singing, the squirrels chasing. Complete sensory overload in an amazing way-maybe you snap photos that don't quite capture it, write about it, sketch pictures, or somehow try to cement it in your memory. Lou...