Welcome to Megan!
Welcome to the Elan family Megan! You'll be seeing her as you arrive at Elan for your chiropractic, massage or acupuncture appointment or you may be speaking to her on the phone. We're looking forward to working with her! A few words from Megan, "Hello, my name is Megan and I am really excited to be working at Elan Family Wellness. I moved to Calgary about 3 years ago from Saskatchewan and have been in Bowness the entire time. I have no plans of leaving either as I love the community and the people. I am looking forward to getti ng to know more of you as time goes on. I frequent many businesses in the area, love going to local events and am now a member of the Bowness legion as well, so if you see me around please say hello as it may take me a little time to learn all your faces and names. Thank you and see you soon."