What is Mindfulness?
Thank you to Margaret Kennedy, Acupuncturist with Elan Family Wellness Centre, for these words on Mindfulness for our May newsletter. The whole world, as we have known it, our individual world has been rushing around for ages with little or NO MINDFULNESS. We have been so busy rushing around, cut off from ourselves. one another, our environment and NATURE, that it has affected our whole lives, our world - negatively. Now, a virus, something we cannot even see, has forced us to slow down, to isolate from “our NORM”. All our negativeness arise now, we become stressed, angry, anxious, worried, agitated, depressed, fearful - How to change this? This is our time to BE MINDFUL of ourselves, our lives and our world. To CHANGE ourselves, our world. Mindfulness is being aware moment by moment of our thoughts, emotions, where we hold our feelings in our bodies and our environment – locally and in the world. To...