
Showing posts from May, 2014

Building Our Food Forest

Our Goal:  Urban Farming. Being a little bit self-sustainable in the city.  This year we're working on a circular bed around our new crab apple tree-it's about a 7 foot radius.  (First possible concern... The canopy on this apple tree may extend 20 feet.... Hmmm). We cut out the grass and have hauled away 838 pounds of sod (so far).  There's a little more to do once the rain clears.  I'll need some more plants, but so far I have comfrey, Jerusalem artichoke, and a few herbs to plant in the garden.  Once we're past the May new moon (today!) and add back some soil and compost, the plants can start going in.  Perhaps we'll transplant some rhubarb and raspberries or goji to this bed or use it as another vegetable garden while we start moving plants. I'll need to go plant shopping again soon. Add in some 20 plus more plants, some white clover (or chickweed-I've been hearing it's an amazing green for us) for ground cover and we'll be good to g...

39 Days

Here is my leading-up-to-my-birthday project, 39 Days of 39 Years Old.  I've started the countdown to 40.   I have a lot of people celebrating milestones in my life recently.  It seems I know I lot of people born in 74, and other years ending in a 4.  All those birthdays ending in a "0"; big wedding anniversaries, work birthdays (just wait... we'll be 10 soon!).  It's been fun to see what people think of.  Parties (such as Scott with his bouncy castle...), trips, birthday months, collecting money for charity, having others commit to random acts of kindness.  Starting goals, giving up bad habits, picking new intentions.  So many great ideas.   I had a challenge thinking of what I wanted to do to mark this day.  Its the first birthday that I feel a lot of unease about, and am still hoping that the day I turn 40 will bring more comfort and excitement and me embracing the wisdom of my days ;)   I'm not ready to end ...