Awaken Network Spinal in Denver
We are perpetually learning and I am no different with training in Network Spinal. I recently attended the Advanced Care/ Awaken Care training that was offered in Denver, Colorado in November 2017. What a weekend! As you can see from the photo, we had instruction from Network's Greats! In the front row are Dr Donald Epstein (founder), Dr Robin Sherman-Rothstein, Dr Richelle Knowles, Dr Daniel Knowles, Dr Sophia Rodrigues, and Dr Aiden Kinsella. Wow! I had preconceived beliefs that Advanced/ Awaken care was for practice members who had been in care forever, spent a couple hours a day in meditation, weren't affected by stress, must love their jobs, their daily commute, their home life... you know, had this life thing figured out and under their belt. And I was wrong. Advanced/ Awaken care can be introduced much earlier in care~even from day one in practice. Its no longer (or maybe never was) a luxury, but is a necessi...