Awaken Network Spinal in Denver

We are perpetually learning and I am no different with training in Network Spinal. I recently attended the Advanced Care/ Awaken Care training that was offered in Denver, Colorado in November 2017. What a weekend! 

As you can see from the photo, we had instruction from Network's Greats! In the front row are Dr Donald Epstein (founder), Dr Robin Sherman-Rothstein, Dr Richelle Knowles, Dr Daniel Knowles, Dr Sophia Rodrigues, and Dr Aiden Kinsella. Wow! 

I had preconceived beliefs that Advanced/ Awaken care was for practice members who had been in care forever, spent a couple hours a day in meditation, weren't affected by stress, must love their jobs, their daily commute, their home life... you know, had this life thing figured out and under their belt. And I was wrong. 

Advanced/ Awaken care can be introduced much earlier in care~even from day one in practice. Its no longer (or maybe never was) a luxury, but is a necessity for life! Awaken care is the third season of the Seasons of Care (following Discover and Transform), when the spinal gateways begin to engage with the third oscillator or area of connection at the heart. This helps to move the body and system to more Energy Rich or Super Energy Rich and allows the practice member to lead with the heart more than the mind. 

Some take-aways from the weekend about Awaken Care:
  • Advanced/ Awaken care begins as we have a stretch at our upper chest and progresses to a coordinated movement of the wave with our spinal gateways.
  • Awaken care produces an excess of free energy, grace, love and gratitude.
  • Motivates and inspires the individual to help both themselves and others make change in their life. 
  • We need Awaken care to balance out the crazies of our world & help heal the chaos of the planet.
  • Increases the organization in body and nervous system and helps to increase coherency. 
  • Inspires us to become re-enchanted with the world-remembering who we are without our armour and seeing the novelty of the world. 
My goal is to help more of my practice members to connect with and integrate Awaken/ Advanced care, to increase your energy rich state more often, and to then share your gifts and light with then others. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out of this!! 


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