Thanks to Dr Robert Clarke, Chiropractor at Elan, for this article on Awaken-the third Sacred Season in the Seasons of Wellbeing. When we have effectively connected to ourselves through discovering and transforming, the next sacred season is Awaken. Having let go of our attachment to our stories from the past we naturally flow into the space of all possibilities. In this place of soulfulness, we connect with our authentic selves. The authentic self always looks to grow and expand. In an awakened state we experience our connection with everything around us. We see the gifts in our challenges. Understanding this we are compelled to share our gifts and receive gifts from others, allowing for a true connection with community. From this place we can effectively see the big picture and begin to create a richer fuller life. As much as the insights from this state often have us pause and absorb the energy of this beautiful space, awaken is an active state. The ins...