Nourish Yourself~Bone Health
A frequent question that I get asked by my chiropractic patients is, What can I do to make sure my diet supports my bone health and bone density? Here's some basic information to make sure you are getting the minimal levels required. Is eating for “bone health” a concern for you? According to New York's Center for osteoporosis, 1 in 2 women over 50 will break a bone due to low bone mass or osteoporosis. While many of us have grown up on the idea that drinking milk is essential to have strong bones when we get older, and necessary so we don't develop osteopenia or osteoporosis. (“Brittle bones”), let's explore other areas of our diet where we may be able to get calcium and other factors contributing to bone health. Dairy does contain calcium and can be part of a healthy diet, but there may also be concerns with digestion or absorption for some people. The current Canadian Food Guide (2019) advises us to fill half of our plate with fruits and vegetables, a quar...