
Showing posts from November, 2013

'Tis The Season

It's that time of year again!  Elan Family Wellness Centre is offering our Holiday Promotion to our friends, patients and practice members.  You can gift an Initial Consultation and Examination to your friends, family, coworkers...anyone you know needs a little more peace and ease in their life!   This evaluation will allow them to see how their body is coping with the physical, chemical and emotional stress of life.  Typical exam in our office may include postural assessment, physical and neurological exam, and infrared thermography and electromyography.  This offer does not include any treatments or adjustments.   This is one way we want to share the warmth and happiness of the holiday season.   Ask us how you can send this to a loved one, at no cost to you or them!  You can get details by calling us at 403 217 5577, or email at   Happy Holidays to you and yours!  

Creative Diversion-Wool Felting

Did you know that there are health benefits to being creative?   I just happened on a Huffington post article that linked to:  Make More Art .  The health benefits of being creative vary from improved immune health, to decreased stress and anxiety, to less depression.  Never mind that it is fun, counts as a mindful meditation in my world, and you get to make unique pieces.   I've been on a creative splurge lately-everything from baking (or non baked food items), jewellery & Christmas ornaments, scrapbooking, photo selection and editing, to my next favourite project.... Wool felting!   I attended a workshop this past weekend held at the Calgary Waldorf School where we made a scarf using a Wet Felting Technique.  Silk chiffon, merino wool... how could you go wrong?  We essentially sandwiched 2 layers of wool around a thin silk material, soaked it in hot water and dish soap, pressed it, rolled it 1600 times, and voila, one ...

Mandala Pies

I am considering a new hobby.  For now, I would like to share a few pretty pictures of Mandala Pies.   The first one was created by Julia Corbett-author and Raw Dessert Goddess.  I enjoyed taking her class offered at the Light Cellar a couple of weeks ago.  I now have lots of raw cookie, square, and pie recipes up my sleeve.     These two little pies are ones I made!  With almond crusts, one has a cream filling (cashew nuts) and one has a raw cacao filling.  They have healing herbs added, and are decorated with rose petals, lavender, goji berries, grapes, and cacao beans. Definitely a hobby that I could support.   Healthy food, aesthetically pleasing, good to eat, fun to share, with a little meditative creative time thrown in.   One last share- isn't this the most amazing and professional teaching kitchen that they have at the Light Cellar in Bowness.  I felt like we...