'Tis The Season
It's that time of year again! Elan Family Wellness Centre is offering our Holiday Promotion to our friends, patients and practice members. You can gift an Initial Consultation and Examination to your friends, family, coworkers...anyone you know needs a little more peace and ease in their life! This evaluation will allow them to see how their body is coping with the physical, chemical and emotional stress of life. Typical exam in our office may include postural assessment, physical and neurological exam, and infrared thermography and electromyography. This offer does not include any treatments or adjustments. This is one way we want to share the warmth and happiness of the holiday season. Ask us how you can send this to a loved one, at no cost to you or them! You can get details by calling us at 403 217 5577, or email at elanctr@telus.net. Happy Holidays to you and yours!