
Showing posts from April, 2014

Scott's Thoughts: Mind Full (Seasons of Care)

It's not often that I feel the need to write. To be honest... it's almost never, but for newsletter time and when we have something going on at the office that requires it. Today feels different. There is a lot going on in my head. I seem to have an orbit of people going through tough emotional times. These are people I care deeply for, and I know will pull through. I have been looking at what has been going on through a ReOrganizational Healing lens. Meaning: How are these events and conditions a reflection of the Four Seasons described by Donny Epstein? Donny calls them: Discover, Transform, Awaken and Integrate. Four seasons we live with on our healing path. Often, we are oblivious to them, but as they are pointed out, they give us much perspective. I'll walk you through them briefly from my narrow novice perspective. Others, in the ROH model, will have a different view and that's great. We are all on a journey and I am very thankful there are trailblaze...

"Mind"ful May

Mindfulness, Presence, On the Subject of the Mind, the Brain... this is what May will hold for us!   The Facebook and social media quizzes are everyone-Are you Right Brain or Left Brain Dominant? What hemisphere may be stronger, which one may be less developed, how does that shows up in our body, how does that shows up in our masculine, feminine, if we spend too much time in our logical brain, if our creative brain is neglected, and so it goes on.   I love seeing when other worlds intersect with this:   * * * * * The recent Pathways magazine has an article called The Pregnancy Circle by Laurel Bay Connell, MA.  She compares her first pregnancy from more of a left brain approach, to her second with more of a right brain approach.  For her first pregnancy, she spent her time researching, doing the expected things, going to the classes, interviewing doctors and midwives, doing her exercises, etc.- making her left brain strong.  Compared to her second...

Planting Seeds

Goddess Offering "May you be blessed Goddess For you bear in your womb Our Mother Earth Looking over it everyday Full of Love Preserving its Peace" We were privileged to have Jennifae Coburn of Supporting Sisterhood hold space for us for a women's circle (with two husbands too!) this past week.  What a beautiful evening!  Crystals, candles and feminine energy.  We had a chance to do a hand fasting, plant seeds for our healing using an Anastasia planting ceremony, share our stories, and send our wounds and worries back to the earth with a dry Epson salts "bath" infused with lavender and healing herbs.   With the Anastasia ceremony, I personally planted a butternut squash that will be programmed for my own personal "medicine"/ healing.  Next up (and when the weather cooperates), I will get to walk barefoot in the garden space in which I will plant it.  Sounds right up my alley!   The evening was a lovely way to connect to...

An Inch of Art A Day

Here's my mini "piece of art a day" project.   I have this unknown-where-its-coming-from desire to MAKE ART .  Something grand and all encompassing and beautiful.  That I can hang on my wall, that I can keep all to myself, or share if I choose.  Be inspired by every day.  Speak volumes.  All of that.   Then I get stuck.  I feel I need big stretches of lazy time to dream up the project.  To gather my supplies.  To choose a medium.  To create.   So it doesn't really happen on any big scale.   I've seen a few friends on the social media world breaking down projects into something a bit more manageable.  A photo a day of something completely ordinary.  A sentence a day.  A paragraph a day.  A doodle a day.  An inch a day.   So that's what I have done for the past 55 days-I have only one blank square on my first page.  (my page divided into 56 squares and I'm not s...

April 2014~Mother Earth

Spring has finally arrived!  Not just a date on the calendar, but sun, warm weather, melting snow and tiny green shoots.  Here's a small article that was posted earlier this month in our newsletter :   You carry Mother Earth within you. She is not outside of you. Mother Earth is not just your environment. In that insight of inter-being, it is possible to have real communication with the Earth, which is the highest form of prayer . *    *    * When we recognise the virtues, the talent, the beauty of Mother Earth, something is born in us, some kind of connection; love is born . Thich Nhat Hanh We've been longing for Mother Earth to cooperate this spring! After one of our longest winters full of snow and cold, we're ready to celebrate the new season. April always reminds me of new babies (usually of the human, chick and bunny varieties), sprouting grass and bulbs, spring, and our earth. It's also that time of year when we crawl out of ou...