Scott's Thoughts: Mind Full (Seasons of Care)
It's not often that I feel the need to write. To be honest... it's almost never, but for newsletter time and when we have something going on at the office that requires it. Today feels different. There is a lot going on in my head. I seem to have an orbit of people going through tough emotional times. These are people I care deeply for, and I know will pull through. I have been looking at what has been going on through a ReOrganizational Healing lens. Meaning: How are these events and conditions a reflection of the Four Seasons described by Donny Epstein? Donny calls them: Discover, Transform, Awaken and Integrate. Four seasons we live with on our healing path. Often, we are oblivious to them, but as they are pointed out, they give us much perspective. I'll walk you through them briefly from my narrow novice perspective. Others, in the ROH model, will have a different view and that's great. We are all on a journey and I am very thankful there are trailblaze...