Scott's Thoughts: Mind Full (Seasons of Care)

It's not often that I feel the need to write. To be honest... it's almost never, but for newsletter time and when we have something going on at the office that requires it.

Today feels different. There is a lot going on in my head. I seem to have an orbit of people going through tough emotional times. These are people I care deeply for, and I know will pull through. I have been looking at what has been going on through a ReOrganizational Healing lens. Meaning: How are these events and conditions a reflection of the Four Seasons described by Donny Epstein?

Donny calls them: Discover, Transform, Awaken and Integrate. Four seasons we live with on our healing path. Often, we are oblivious to them, but as they are pointed out, they give us much perspective. I'll walk you through them briefly from my narrow novice perspective. Others, in the ROH model, will have a different view and that's great. We are all on a journey and I am very thankful there are trailblazers ahead of me to help refine and coach.

The Four Seasons:

Discover: We know something is so wrong we are moved to actually look at it and be with it. Much suffering, blaming and self reflection is done, but ultimately a surrendering occurs and we gain harmony with the issues, stop seeking, and start to realize we are the key.

Transform: We manifest the energy, courage and innate wisdom to move into a new consciousness. We understand and merge with the illusions we have created and take actions towards a resolution. If we get to this space, we are about to be set free of old patterns and move into a new awareness. Sometimes we fall back to Discover for further reflexion, deeper wisdom, and progress again to Transform.

Awaken: We have resolution and it has come to pass... Now what? Well... We use our new knowledge, perspective and power for the service of others. The "I" then becomes "We". It's simple... Share your love. Share it with others, family, community and the world. We are switched on to a new level and those patterns found in Discover no longer apply. They are now footnotes in the wonderful novel that is you, but they no longer influence the narrative of your life. We are one with all things and view the world with the heart as much as the mind. That's cool!

Integrate: Now... We heal some more. Adding more depth to our emotions, our energy, our mind and our soul. We go back with a new vision and revisit the "I" in Discover but with wisdom of the collective. We are now in awe at how a person can be connected and able to make use of new strategies and new feelings. Things feels more efficient. We can now fill ourselves with the discovery of new subtleties to our journey.

So... with that very limited view of the Four Seasons -- I say limited because I am like you: On the path and going through my own journey -- you now have a better insight as to how we can view healing. To apply this mindful process, we can use The 12 Stages Of Healing and SRI. This, combined with NSA, is an immensely powerful method of not only making lasting change in your life... but supercharging your healing journey. The world will not look the same through this lens. Stuff will happen and you will grow as an individual, and, more importantly, as member of the connected collective of humanity.

"I" becomes "We" ... now repeat after me... community, community, COMMUNITY.


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