An Inch of Art A Day

Here's my mini "piece of art a day" project.  

I have this unknown-where-its-coming-from desire to MAKE ART.  Something grand and all encompassing and beautiful.  That I can hang on my wall, that I can keep all to myself, or share if I choose.  Be inspired by every day.  Speak volumes.  All of that.  

Then I get stuck.  I feel I need big stretches of lazy time to dream up the project.  To gather my supplies.  To choose a medium.  To create.  

So it doesn't really happen on any big scale.  

I've seen a few friends on the social media world breaking down projects into something a bit more manageable.  A photo a day of something completely ordinary.  A sentence a day.  A paragraph a day.  A doodle a day.  An inch a day.  

So that's what I have done for the past 55 days-I have only one blank square on my first page.  (my page divided into 56 squares and I'm not sure if they are exact inch squares or not.  You get the idea.)  

Isn't the blank slate lovely?  You can use it to celebrate the best thing that happened in the day.  Let go of the worse thing that happened or that you thought.  You could choose a focus for each day-a word to centre you.  You could draw out how you felt, who you were, who you impacted.  You could use it to draw your daily gratitude.  You daily success.  Your daily pay-it-forward.  However you choose.  

It's fun watching your blank slate come alive!  


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