Giving and Receiving
Thank you to Dr Robert Clarke, Chiropractor at Elan Family Wellness Centre, for this article on Giving & Receiving in the Theme of Community. Giving and receiving, this is what we all crave about community. To belong to something bigger than ourselves. In days gone by it was essential to survival. We may not need it to survive in our modern era, but it's essential to help us thrive. Sharing and helping feeds our souls, it feels great to support others. The important part of the equation is to be open to receiving. This completes the cycle of being in community, it's about building relationships and these need to have balance. If you're fortunate to have some abundance and you're in a position to give to others, allow yourself the opportunity to receive. Maybe you don’t have need of things, then receive gratitude. Be open to the heartfelt thanks of others and even if you're not currently needing help from someone, graciously accept a reciprocal gift if one i...