Scott's Thoughts on Community

Thanks to Scott for: Scott's thoughts on Community. #Community is our Theme for July. 

As some of you know, I'm the VP of the Bowness Community Association. We're a lovely and super inclusive organization of volunteers and paid staff that run an ice rink, an event hall and are home to many charitable organizations. We have an amazing staff and a focused mandate to really do our best to honour and improve the connection of people of Bowness. It's awesome and I've met some extremely passionate and engaged folk during my time at the BCA. How I got involved is the result of Reorganization Living.
I attended a Transformational Gate in 2014 that put me on a new energy rich model from restorative therapeutics to the much superior model of Reorganizational Healing (ROH). Along with ROH, the philosophy of living congruent to it. From my point of view, a person must find energy rich states and situations to fuel up the body and brain, destabilize old outdated patterns and move towards higher order ways of healing and living. That sounds like a lot, but it comes down to what Dr. Donny Epstein said at his lectures of that 2014 Gate. Paraphrasing here...“Be a mensch and focus on community!” That was it... all you need will be found in there. Some time later I found out that community is the highest level of Tony Robbins Six Human Needs (you can hear more about that HERE).
With that guiding principle, I put my hand up and stuck out my neck. I know you will agree that it's a theme you've heard many places: Help others selflessly and you'll be rewarded; Your community is your tribe; Improve the tribe, improve your life. Kinda cliché and something of a gift if you're paying attention. Have a great July and get out into your community.

P.S. Attention Needed!!
Stay tuned to the office news and facebook over the next few weeks for updates on happenings and the massive event in October. Details will be found at I am currently seeking venders and speakers for this day. So if you have got something that you do, want to talk about, or want to sell that is energy rich, I want to talk to you. Email me at Think massive day to raise funds for Made by Momma, find new tribe members, seek for answers and build a plan for massive action towards an energy rich life!
- Scott


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