Gratitude for November!

It’s an enjoyable month when we can shift into gratitude for life, practice and our practice members. November is when we typically wrap up our Practice Member of the Week program-hopefully you've had a chance to help celebrate the successes we see in the office. If you'd like to be considered in the future-please nominate yourself to us or Christine & Megan when you're in the office. We love to celebrate your health improvements and wellness choices! Some of the successes we've heard this season: Resolution of initial sleep concerns for a little girl, long term solution for stability of chiropractic adjustments & their spine, help for physical pain, and benefits mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well, and how what they learn here, they are able to take and use in everyday life to benefit themselves ... with practice members from 5 months to 19 years in care!    While I've personally had a year with a lot of difficult challenges and losses, it is helpful to look at the gifts that have accompanied them and continue to view them with eyes of gratitude. Of course it has been and is difficult losing both my parents this year and we are lucky to have had many years of genuine good health, active lifestyles and engaged as parents and grandparents, prior to their passing. Loss and grief brings with it a constant reminder of mine and my own family's good health and how we love and value each other. Even with the health challenges-my now healed but previously broken leg- means I got to accomplish an amazing adventure, and it’s another reminder of how miraculously my body can heal and how good it can feel to be able to walk smoothly again and resume physical activities. Of course, I'm aiming for excellent health moving forward, for a very long time! Is there a recent challenge in your life that you can apply gratitude towards?

~ Dr. Josephene (Chiropractor at Elan Family Wellness) 


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