Transform in August

Take Action. Be Strong. Move Forward.

These are words for Transform. Transform is one of The Four Seasons of Wellbeing—Discover, Transform, Awaken, and Integrate — which refer to distinct rhythms or periods during one’s journey in life, as well as seasons of care in Network Spinal Analysis. A season is appropriate to ‘‘readiness’’ for reorganization just as seeds are planted or fruit ripens—all in their time. (from

Our office is in a season of Transform. In direct contrast to the hot, lazy days of summer, we have action going on both at our current Westbrook location, and our new Bowness location. Instead of determining what we like and don't like about where we are and how to make it work, we are making changes. We are figuring out the logistics on the new space and bringing together more practitioners under a one roof.

We have committed to a bigger contribution through our work, both to our current practice members and to the community in which we will live and work. Yes, more hours, more practitioners, easy access and parking, but you know that its about much more. We want to invest in a community that has value to us, build our energy within our walls, and create Elan as a centre for our NSA care and services.

As this can apply to our office, this can also apply to you. Are there areas of your life or health where you are ready for more transform energy?

Definitive decisions and actions.
Your sphere of participation in the world.
The sources of strength, courage, wisdom and insight to be accessible to you instantaneously.
Strategies how to break through with your body and inner possibility.
The expression of courage in your life now.
Your ability to be really be ready.
Your ability to dump the old “stuff”, energy, and patterns.
Your focus, goals, plans, objectives and purpose to create a move compelling future for yourself and others.
Your resourcefulness, behaviors, perceptions, stories, structures, and life.
In the second of the Four Sacred Seasons, Transform shows you distinct rhythms 
in your journey through life, leading you to encounter the container of the body 
through power, strength and courage.
Transform is a state of mind and body. If we are stuck in our old, we won't have the chance to experience Transform. Both NSA and SRI can help you to experience Transform in your body which will allow you to translate to other areas of your life.

Thank you for joining us on this summer of Transform. May you have Courage, Decisiveness, and many new wonders this August.  


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