40 Days
My 40th Birthday has arrived and I'm now one day past. I am pleased with my 39 days of 39 project, but feel I want to continue something for the next 40 days.
I have a few ideas brewing, thanks to a little google searching.
My favourite comes from this quote that I saw much earlier this year, by Rumi.
From Yahoo ...According to the Bible, it is the number of the waiting, the preparation, the test or the punishment. Also the Bible often resorts to the number 40 when starts a new chapter of the history of the salvation. On the other hand, forty would indicate the duration of a generation or a long period, whose we ignore the exact length.
Symbolize the death with oneself and the spiritual rebirth.
According to R. Allendy, "it is the achievement of a cycle in the world, or rather the rhythm of the cyclic repetitions in the Universe".
According to saint Augustin, forty expresses the perfection "because the Law was given in ten commandments, then it is through the whole world that the Law has been preached, and the whole world is composed of four parts, Orient and Occident, South and North; therefore, by multiplying ten by four, we obtain forty. Or well, it is by the four books of the Gospel that the Law is accomplished."
I will come back to the very first quote-40 early mornings. It's something I can accomplish, some time I can use to journal, and mornings are beautiful in the summer. (especially when your first couple of days start on a beach on an Island in Washington State). And happy Canada Day written from American soil.
Do you celebrate your birthday with a personal project?
I have a few ideas brewing, thanks to a little google searching.
My favourite comes from this quote that I saw much earlier this year, by Rumi.
"A new moon teaches gradualness and deliberation, and how one gives birth to oneself slowly. Patience with small details makes perfect a large work like the universe. What nine months of attention does for an embryo forty early mornings alone will do for your gradually growing wholeness." ~Rumi
There is something so tied to the number 40. Death and Rebirth. Starting anew. A cycle. Perfection? In case you want to have a peak at what is out there in the internet, here are a few links.
What's with the 40 Days in the Bible?
From Yahoo ...According to the Bible, it is the number of the waiting, the preparation, the test or the punishment. Also the Bible often resorts to the number 40 when starts a new chapter of the history of the salvation. On the other hand, forty would indicate the duration of a generation or a long period, whose we ignore the exact length.
Symbolize the death with oneself and the spiritual rebirth.
According to R. Allendy, "it is the achievement of a cycle in the world, or rather the rhythm of the cyclic repetitions in the Universe".
According to saint Augustin, forty expresses the perfection "because the Law was given in ten commandments, then it is through the whole world that the Law has been preached, and the whole world is composed of four parts, Orient and Occident, South and North; therefore, by multiplying ten by four, we obtain forty. Or well, it is by the four books of the Gospel that the Law is accomplished."
I've also known impressive people who would write poetry of their year; commit to 40 Random Acts of Kindness; use their day to better their world.
Do you celebrate your birthday with a personal project?
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