Mindfulness & Observation

Thanks to Ally Morberg for this post on Mindfulness & Observation. Ally is a Homeopath with Stepping Stones Homeopathy and works out of Elan Family Wellness by appointment. 

Mindfulness to me is the art of observation. Slowing down and taking the time to experience and notice what is. Not why it is that way or how long it will be that way or how did it get that way…just what is.

I once took a mindful meditation class where each week was dedicated to different mindful practices. We did mindful walking, mindful tea drinking, and my favourite… mindful chocolate eating! It was so interesting to take the time to observe and really experience each of the activities through all of our senses: sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste. Who knew one little square of chocolate when eaten mindfully, could be so satisfying!? By slowing down and taking the time to be present we can learn to experience a whole new world. It can feel so refreshing to stay in the moment and not let the thoughts of the future clutter our mind… even if it's just for a short while. So when that May snow storm rolls into town (and we all know that it will), put on your winter gear and go for a mindful walk! Observe the beauty of what is.

~ Ally


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