Scott's Thoughts: February, Heart month or something.
Thanks to our RMT Scott Hutchison for his thoughts on Heart Month. Enjoy the read! WARNING: This will be the strangest article from me yet folks! A short time ago, I came across a person. A highly paid and respected computer programmer, who uses custom coded analysis programs (“web-bots”) to detect changes in language on web forums and comments. These changes are of unusual nature and unrelated to the overall themes of said forums or comment threads. The programmer then uses the data as a predictor of future trends and events in society. Kinda like an internet Nostradamus prediction of events to come, by using internet bots to sift through big data for outliers of content in seemingly unrelated things. It's kinda creepy and surprisingly more accurate than you would think (...told ya it would be strange)! So what does that have to do with the heart? Well, around the same time that I met this programmer, I started seeing articles hit my consciousness about the hu...