Fresh Start!

A new calendar and planner, a huge full moon, and weather that finally let's us get outdoors-yay!-without freezing our noses and toes off, welcome to this Fresh New Year! I always like to start January off new and clean-whether that means cleaning out my inbox at home or work, new goals and projects,or just feeling rested and renewed after the holiday. However, I find this year I'm slowly dipping my toes into realizing its a new year. Perhaps some resistance to the transition?

Partly, as its January 1st and I just came back from the Bownesian to fill the Little Free Pantry (FreePantryYYC) after it was once again empty, I'm realizing that we're still completing some of our December and 2017 goals. Thank you for so much support and we have definitely surpassed our goal to add 250 items to the panty (considering we had just under $1000 donated PLUS many, many food items-wow!!) It's amazing that we can help to contribute in such a large way to our community, especially when it seems to be such a difficult time for so many.

December had a lot of activity and many new practice members to elan-it was a joy to see people who live from coast-to-coast (both US and Canada) come and visit our office over the break! Plus welcome to the new faces who will be joining us as practice members-from kids joining me for care, to our neighbours down the street!

For my year ahead I look forward to continuing to work with you to help discover and create your amazing health, to dig out some of those hidden gifts to share, and to share in building an energy rich year for you! Absolutely I intend to work on my own fitness and diet (and sleep and morning rituals and creative time). I also have plans to travel for continued advanced training with Dr. Epstein, and have my fingers crossed that I can also attend a Pediatric Chiropractic Training Summit that includes the famous Ina May Gaskin as a speaker (only a legend in the birth and pediatric world)! So much ahead!

My hope is you will find inspiration here from our team's articles in January to fuel you for a year of fresh transformations.


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