Scott's Thoughts: February, Heart month or something.
Thanks to our RMT Scott Hutchison for his thoughts on Heart Month. Enjoy the read!
WARNING: This will be the strangest article from me yet folks!
A short time ago, I came across a person. A highly paid and respected computer programmer, who uses custom coded analysis programs (“web-bots”) to detect changes in language on web forums and comments. These changes are of unusual nature and unrelated to the overall themes of said forums or comment threads. The programmer then uses the data as a predictor of future trends and events in society. Kinda like an internet Nostradamus prediction of events to come, by using internet bots to sift through big data for outliers of content in seemingly unrelated things. It's kinda creepy and surprisingly more accurate than you would think (...told ya it would be strange)!
So what does that have to do with the heart? Well, around the same time that I met this programmer, I started seeing articles hit my consciousness about the human heart being much more than a pump. Some believe it’s an emotional antenna that's able to attenuate emotional information locally and multi-dimensionally of which Time is included. The heart, however, can only pass the emotional information that will set a condition within the body and based on current cultural reference, the body is able to articulate this information to the consciousness of a being. At which point the nervous system and brain form thought and speech associated with the feelings. Two and two are put together and you get an impression or image of someone or something that is charged with emotion - hurting or loving - without even seeing them. Cool stuff. I have had aspects of this myself. Our family calls it the “Clan Check.” We just seem to know when another member of the family needs a call or is going to call. Now, imagine across the time divide, there would have to be an emotion experienced by hundreds of people of such magnitude that influences a wave of emotion to progress back through time or jump dimensionally to our local reference to be detected by those who are of a particular super sensible, heart and mind connected nature. They are the ones who just have a sentience around a subject that sometimes comes out at strange times. Like someone just deciding to fly vs. drive only to find out that the road had to be closed due to a washout.
Now, this is all just postulation, but, what if the heart was the key and should be looked at closer? Well, people much smarter than I are looking at ways of bringing heart/brain/nervous system cohesion to peak performance in areas outside of sports or academics. There have been volumes written on the Stanford Reach Institute and remote viewing. Tony Robbins, Heart Math, and some of the things I have encountered over the last ten years would seem to indicate that something can emerge when this cohesion occurs. The more we work toward a cohesive brain, nervous system, and heart “somatic” experience, the more people report a knowing and increase in intuitive qualities in their lives. Spooky... X-files level 10 spooky.
Now... back to the programmer. He has set his “web-bots” to pick up on these subconscious emotionally inspired language shifts. They are able to pull in enough large data from multiple data vectors and sources to get an overall direction indicator of what's coming next. Like a barometer or a farmer’s almanac for the future, thanks to chatrooms and technology. So to see a flowchart... an event in the future happens that sends a wave of emotion linked to the event, back through time. Sensitive people feel this wave. The information comes bubbling out on a chatroom for cat owners. Conversation shifts from cat litter, to not going to Europe because of an irrational fear of cheese. On the other side of the planet, someone comments on an automotive video about the E.coli that their aunt nearly died of because it was misdiagnosed as the flu. Both totally unrelated comments and not related to the overall content of the chatroom or video comments; however it triggers the bots to dive in and look at the threads of each for the keywords assigned: flu, E.coli, Europe and fear, searching for signs of biological disaster. The bots then start reporting back an indication of Spain having a massive cheese problem around six months from now.
The heart is the key and quite possibly a multidimensional conduit of connection and knowing.
Or not. Have a great February.
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