Scott's Thoughts July: Community

Thank you to Scott Hutchison, Registered Massage Therapist at Elan in Bowness, for these thoughts on Community! 

A few years ago, Josephene came up with this concept of Inside the Polished Apple. It was a nifty idea she formed after a trip to the dreaded DisneyLand. (It wan't that bad actually and we learned a ton about creating and morphing a culture) We get similar impulses and ideas every time we visit europe, but this concept of the external matching and balancing the inside has stuck with us.

You see, both Josephene and I come from the perspective that our community, business and home life should be an extension of our family. It should all match or be moving towards being in alinement. We value our family and by extension we should value those mention above. The outside of the beautiful apple should match the tasty insides. But if it doesn't, we see the value in finding ways to culture and nurture the insides to match the outsides. The question of what's Inside the Polished Apple colours many of our perspectives. Now how that relates to community, well, you have to understand that you really can not influence something unless you see value in it. So... if we value our family heavily, then by seeing clearly that our community is an extension of our family... then we must also give the same weight to our community. To love the outside and the inside with much care and attention. It's a philosophy, lifestyle and a means to reach bigger than our own selves.



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