Healthy Backpack Use
not just for kids... although chances are, if you're a parent, this
is on the top of your back to school list. Many professionals are
also choosing backpacks over briefcases, so whatever your age, let's
look at how best to shop and use them! There can be long term health
risks with wearing poorly designed backpacks and carrying too much
weight. Here are backpack tips from our Chiropractic Association's
Pack it Light Wear it Right Campaign:
- Choose a bag that is lightweight, has a padded back, a waist or hip strap and two wide straps (2”) with lots of pockets.
- Pack the heaviest items close to your back.
- Use the pockets as much as possible to distribute the load.
- Pack it light with only what you (or your child) need in the day. Less then 10% of their body weight for kids in grade 8 or younger; less then 15% of their body weight for older kids and adults.
- Wear it right by placing the backpack on a waist height surface, and slipping the straps on one at a time. Use both straps! Adjust straps so pack is against back & only tight enough that you can still slip a hand between the bag and back. Use the waist or hip straps to reduce strain on the back.
to school (and back to work or back to our fall routine) can mean
there is additional stress on our body from carrying our day on our
back, from sitting more, especially from slouching at our desk, and
the increased use of electronics.
text neck is on the rise, as we all spend more time on our devices.
Our Alberta Chiro website has stretches and tips available for you,
or ask us in the office what may be best for you!
taken from the website.
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