Research Reviews with Margaret Kennedy

Thanks to Margaret Kennedy, Registered Acupuncturist with Elan Family Wellness, for these recent reviews. Please ask her how Acupuncture care may support these health concerns or lifestyle changes. 

Mental Attitude: Diabetes and Parkinson’s Risk. 
Following a review of patient data concerning over eight million individuals, researchers report that type 2 diabetics have a 32% increased risk for developing Parkinson’s disease. The researchers note their “findings may reflect shared genetic predisposition and/or disrupted shared pathogenic pathways with potential clinical and therapeutic implications”
Neurology, June 2018 

Mediterranean Diet May Protect the Brain! 
The Mediterranean diet focuses on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, healthy fats (such as olive oil), and lean sources of protein such as fish and poultry. In addition to improved heart health, studies show that the Mediterranean diet may also protect against cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease.
Current Nutrition Reports, May 2018 

Exercise: Exercise Reduces Fall Risk in Kidney Patients. 
Falls are a leading cause of death and injury among seniors, especially those with chronic kidney disease (CKD). An analysis of data concerning 157,753 adults age 65 and over found that CKD patients who regularly exercised had a 32% reduced risk for experiencing a fall.
Preventing Chronic Disease, June 2018

Brisk Walking May Lead to a Longer Life. 
After reviewing survey data and death records from individuals in both England and Scotland, researchers report that walking speed may predict one’s risk for an early death. In particular, the research team observed that slow walkers are 20-24% more likely to suffer an early death from any cause than those who walk at either an average or swift pace. Researcher Dr. Emmanuel Stamatakis adds, “These analyses suggest that increasing walking pace may be a straightforward way for people to improve heart health and risk for premature mortality.”
British Journal of Sports Medicine, June 2018 


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