Scott’s Top Ten Ways to Stay Warm in February

Thank you to Scott Hutchison, Registered Massage Therapist with Elan Family Wellness Centre in Bowness/ NW Calgary, for these suggestions on staying WARM this February (hint: Our theme this month is WARMTH). 
  1. Yoga in a skidoo suit.
  2. Drink water. Hot or room temperature. Often we forget to drink water during the colder months and due to the extremely dry climate... you should just go drink some water and come back and read the rest.
  3. Wear wool. If that is not possible... dress in layers and don’t forget a hat.
  4. Wear the hat you almost forgot about.
  5. Dance. Just put on some music and celebrate the cold by getting warm dancing.
  6. Buy flowers for a loved one... see where it goes ;)
  7. Try powering your body with fat instead of sugar. Yes, yes... fad diets aside... up your calories a touch with good fats instead of immune suppressing white refined sugar.
  8. Go back and do #4.
  9. Get a massage... that will warm up your muscles without having to do anything.
  10. Refer to number eight.
Have a Warm February!

~ Scott


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