7 Tips for Reducing Feelings of Isolation:

Thank you to the information shared from Modern Loss (via Instagram) and @goodgriefnj

With reports of stress levels rising as we continue to self-isolate, we at Elan Family Wellness Centre, thought it would be timely to focus on Mindfulness for the month of May and to provide you with resources for your mental well-being. Please let us know if we can provide more specific help to support you. For Access Mental Health in Alberta, visit here.

7 Tips for Reducing Feelings of Isolation: 
  1. Name Your Emotion- It's an effective way to reduce and regulate difficult emotions. It may help you to feel more control and that you can manage them more effectively. 
  2. Seek Out Regular Social Interaction (phone, video, letter)-We may need to be more proactive in setting up those online "dates" and connections. Regular interactions can lessen the likelihood of feeling lonely or isolated. 
  3. Get Physical-include some measurable goals to be active and increase your heart rate. Improved physical and mental wellbeing are connected to feeling less isolation and lonely. "Cycles or long stretches of loneliness often cause us to turn inward and decrease healthy activities." 
  4. Balance use of social media and screen time. While difficult during this period of quarantine, it is important to balance how much social media time is spent compared to in-person interaction. Possibly opt for a video chat versus Instagram or YouTube. 
  5. Plan Diverse, Novel activities. I love this one! Engaging in a variety of activities will make your day feel more full and less isolating. What can you try? Getting outside? Baking? Board games? Puzzle? Reading a novel? Watching a favourite show? Honestly, I've done all of the above, but maybe consider a new hobby, a new meal, switching out your yoga for Qi Gong, plant your garden in a new pattern... 
  6. Focus on Connection-Feeling like you are "with" someone, probably has more to do with the depth and intimacy versus completing a list of to-do's. (Cigna Study). You can "expand and deepen interaction and dialogue by engaging in activities together that are focussed solely on connecting." 
  7. Create a Structure to your Day-work at making a plan for your day, first thing in the morning, or the night before, including a review of the day. Even with disrupted routines, we can still make goals for what to include in a day and when to complete them. 
It is another list and some of us are "listed out" or completely done with making changes during this period of time. If that's the case, I get it. In this period of high stress and uncertainty, our thoughts may be with our survival from day to day, and there is zero judgement if this is just another thing to increase stress. There is also the magic of doing nothing and I hope you may have had the chance to experience that or can keep the space in your day for that. 

Good health to you~both physical and mental~until we see you again! 


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