Scott on Perception
It's October and we are on to another important topic at Elan: Perception: a topic that needs to be narrowed down a bit. One way to look at it is how we perceive a situation, our environment and our mindset. Perception can be different from person to person when given the same circumstance. How I perceive a colour or a smell or a taste is based on how my brain interprets data coming in from various bodily systems. Maybe my wiring is different than yours... Maybe Kale tastes awesome to me and like grass to you. Maybe the green and red colours of this newsletter look yellowish and purple to you. We are all different. However I have noted in the past, when it comes to a task I need to do, my perception of how I am feeling about it will play a giant roll in if it gets done. Referring to the Triad Of Change -- Structure, Perception and Behaviour -- I need solid Behaviour (action) for me to have the other things fall into place. If I sit and stir over how I am going to do something... ti...