
Showing posts from September, 2013

Scott on Perception

It's October and we are on to another important topic at Elan: Perception: a topic that needs to be narrowed down a bit. One way to look at it is how we perceive a situation, our environment and our mindset. Perception can be different from person to person when given the same circumstance. How I perceive a colour or a smell or a taste is based on how my brain interprets data coming in from various bodily systems. Maybe my wiring is different than yours... Maybe Kale tastes awesome to me and like grass to you. Maybe the green and red colours of this newsletter look yellowish and purple to you. We are all different. However I have noted in the past, when it comes to a task I need to do, my perception of how I am feeling about it will play a giant roll in if it gets done. Referring to the Triad Of Change -- Structure, Perception and Behaviour -- I need solid Behaviour (action) for me to have the other things fall into place. If I sit and stir over how I am going to do something... ti...

Balance and Harmony

My tree balance pose in yoga has improved this morning.  Is it possibly better because of the Women's Circle I participated in last night about balance and harmony?   I visited a new Women's Circle, AKA Purpose Party, as I enjoy spending time doing a little recharge-exploring my thoughts and feelings on a topic pertinent to women; taking the opportunity to explore the movement my body interprets from said topic; seeing a beautiful new studio (thanks Wolf Willow Studio! ); and meeting lovely new faces.   The topic of Balance was timely with the recent fall equinox.  Balance of light and dark; a time to learn equity and harmony; more objectivity and perspective.  A time to release the old; prepare for the cold season ahead; build our strength for what is ahead.    We discussed how balance may be a difficult concept to grasp or to live.  What does balance mean to you?   For me, balance ties in to the rhythms of my day-I create sp...

September Changes-Janis's Jottings

As part of Elan's September theme of Structure, here are some thoughts from our Health Coach Janis.   Spring and fall are natural times of change. The seasonal and temperature changes around us are clear signals of "different-ness". Yet, so commonly, we try to exercise sameness in order to feel accomplished, comfortable and secure. I once heard that the best time to set New Years Resolutions is in May. And every year, I find that holds true. There is a burst of energy around May 1 as the weather changes and the quality of sunlight and energy around is shift to optimism and renewed growth. The same is true in reverse for September. Every fall, clients tell me they crave sleep and sugar. Energetically, it is time to slow down and hibernate. So this year, how about you try some Fall Simplification shifts to make the transition feel more comfortable: 1. Eat with the seasons. Fall produce is "heavier:" squashes, and root vegetables, denser greens and less swe...

September Structure

Have you had a chance to take a deep breath in? Have you gotten the kids back to school?  Did you finish buying their backpacks, new school shoes and clothes, school supplies, ballet shoes (what?!  just us?), and squeezed in a back to school haircut?   Have you coordinated the upcoming fall between adult's and kid's schedules and figure it may all just fit?  Do you have Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays all planned out?   Have you printed your summer holiday memories?  Planned for next year's summer break, because you didn't find you had enough time at the perfect beach escape?   Are you ready for fall?  Excited because its a brand new start to the year, just like when you were back in school?  Maybe you have a class you're attending yourself, or have your new workout routine at the gym all ready to go.  And the gym shoes and water bottle are packed.   If I'm giving you a panic attack now, I'm going to guess that you may...