Balance and Harmony

My tree balance pose in yoga has improved this morning.  Is it possibly better because of the Women's Circle I participated in last night about balance and harmony?  

I visited a new Women's Circle, AKA Purpose Party, as I enjoy spending time doing a little recharge-exploring my thoughts and feelings on a topic pertinent to women; taking the opportunity to explore the movement my body interprets from said topic; seeing a beautiful new studio (thanks Wolf Willow Studio!); and meeting lovely new faces.  

The topic of Balance was timely with the recent fall equinox.  Balance of light and dark; a time to learn equity and harmony; more objectivity and perspective.  A time to release the old; prepare for the cold season ahead; build our strength for what is ahead.   

We discussed how balance may be a difficult concept to grasp or to live.  What does balance mean to you?  

For me, balance ties in to the rhythms of my day-I create space and time for what I value.  I have space for my health and sanity (yoga, gym, nature, sometimes a little creative space), space for family, space for work, space for friends.  See how the list starts to go on.... 

We discussed how balance may feel like you're trying to squeeze it all in, or how we may be in a static, teetering position.  Does it split your time between different things you value?  Do you feel guilt when you choose one thing (like your kids) versus another (work)?  

How does your body feel when you move through different balance positions?  My experience was I could find balance when I went inwards and sought wide, strong poses.  If I glanced at someone else and thought their pose looked fun-I tried it and no success.  Interesting?  My concept of balance will be unique to me.  

But soon we got to participate in a fun dance of Harmony.  A switch from static movements to more light, joy and freedom.  The concept of harmony as I learned it was that many things can be happening at the same time.  We place our focus on one of them although the other parts are all still there and sharing their energy with the whole.  An example could be spending one on one time with your children and yet the other areas of your life are still playing in the background adding more fullness to where you place your focus.  

I haven't thrown out the word balance.  Our physical sense of balance is too amazing to want to do that, and I still want to seek a stronger physical body.  I am considering that balance may not be fully applicable to prioritizing my time and life values.  A new thought to add to the harmony of my day.  

Which feels most appropriate to you?  Balance or Harmony?  

(and if you are interested in attending a circle, I am happy to forward information to you!)


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