Festival of Health and Wellness

Dr. Adrienne Perkins- Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncturist & Massage Therapist!  

This past weekend we were at the Festival of Health and Wellness.  Between muscle testing for allergies, DTCM Tongue and Pulse Diagnosis, sharing information on Network Spinal Analysis, and meeting some new faces, we were busy!  

Here's a peak at our table.  

It's always fascinating to see the different health and healing modalities being offered in Calgary-there's no much to do and experience!  From movement therapies, health practitioners, organic coffees, angel readings, crystals, massage, to self help books, and much, much more... How does one decide?  

We often see people who are confused by what choices to make.  

I can share my own experience of how I make decisions about my health.  I choose NSA chiropractic first because it is the one way that I know I can learn new things about how I do my life, and how to re-program that in my body.  By choosing a technique compatible with Reorganizational Healing, I feel I am constantly becoming more present, more efficient, organizing to a new level and learning more about my self, and in turn becoming better at connecting with others and having my chance to make my impact on the world.  (and yes, I feel better physically and mentally with care).  I still seek other therapeutics-but not necessarily as often.  Currently on my list that I rotate through-massage, acupuncture, naturopathic care, and allergy work.  Not to forget the food I put in my body, the exercise I give it, and the thoughts I tell myself.  Daily.

It also became more apparent to me this weekend to look at the level of health and consciousness of the person working on you!  I like to hope that we are working on our own "stuff" so that its not a concern when we see you!  

Here's Scott muscle testing for allergies! 

There is so much to learn and share!  Enjoy the process.  


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