Scott and Structure
Structure and Routine… At Elan, that's our focus for the month of September. By now you have the kids back in school, the days are getting shorter and colder, and its time to spend more of our time indoors and return to our routines. We have written words from our practitioners, with articles from this month's newsletter. I hope you enjoy the different perspectives! Today I had an interesting conversation with a Tony Robbins Business Strategist. For those who don't know who Tony Robbins is... you need to go here or here (rough Tony language) or for sure ====> here . I promise, just those little videos will shift your perception in the time it takes to watch. Today we chatted about mapping out what our ideal structure of Elan would look like. I am not going to go into any details on that, it's top secret of course, but I will tell you that a key point is not forming a business plan. A Business MAP is much more important to arriving at a...