Finding Your Structure
Structure and Routine… At Elan, that's our focus for the month of September. By now you have the kids back in school, the days are getting shorter and colder, and its time to spend more of our time indoors and return to our routines. We have written words from our practitioners, with articles from this month's newsletter. I hope you enjoy the different perspectives!
For me Structure is a great starting point. I make a plan, write a list or organize my work space. This motivates me to get busy doing the things that help my life move forward. Then I feel inspired and motivated to do more.
Everyone has their own way that works best for them. You may need to jump to action and then see how your feelings change or what structure shows up. Other people need to take some time with the feeling of accomplishment of having a task done. This will either lead them to starting the task or create some structure to bring them towards reaching their goals.
So take the time to play with this. Understand your best way to improve your ability to get things done. Are you like me and need some structure to get started? Do you need a lot of structure, or a little? Does the feeling of accomplishment fuel your structure and behavior? Or do you do best by jumping in get getting going and that fuels how you feel and your structure?
There is no one right way to do things, there is only, your best way to do things. Pay attention, try different ways to get things done in your life. As your understanding of yourself and how you best work becomes clear, apply it to your life and see how productive you can be.
~Dr Rob Clarke
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