
Showing posts from November, 2016

21 Energy RIch Days II (Perception)

It's week two of our 21 Energy Rich Days Challenge and that means…. Its Perception Week!  An overview of how I approach Perception Week (keep in mind I use Structure to Spark the change and then Perception to Sustain it). 1. Make your goal specific. Mine is To Be a Memory Keeper for my Family. I will dedicate at least 15 minutes a day during this challenge to document our family's memories using the mediums of journaling, scrap booking, photography and related activities.  2 . Create and Visualize Your Outcome. Bonus points if you print it out on colourful paper and put it somewhere you see it everyday. My outcome is to update my daughter's and family's journals; to work on my youngest Year One Scrapbook; to organize photos and take photos of our life together. I get more energy if I phrase it as… "I enjoy looking at my daughter's completed scrapbooks and reading our family's memories. I am creating a long term legacy for my children and subsequent...

From a Behaviour Person

Thanks for the article Scott! He wrote this on Halloween & was first published in our November newsletter. He's a true behaviour person, so pay attention!  I don't have a ton of time today to get my point across with Behaviour month. As I sit here near copy deadline (in full Robin from Batman and Robin costume) I need to tell you two things: 1) spandex is not a good look for me... or is it? and 2) The key for me to being in an energy rich state is to start moving. More on number 2. Energy rich can be the difference to massive impact. To be there, as discussed in our  21 Days of Energy Rich  talk, I am a behaviour person. Meaning... I need to move, start something, move my body or take the first steps (often in the wrong direction) to have my energy bump up a state from neutral. Meaning... motion activates me. And like magic... I feel productive and day to day structure gets done. What I am finding though is, I can spend a lot of time doing the wrong things....

21 Energy Rich Days I

We have a challenge happening at the office and we've just started our first official week.  The challenge is to work on something in your life and "play" with the Triad of Change as we go. The Triad of Change means that we all have a strength in how we can make change in our life~using either Structure, Perception or Behavior. For the purpose of this challenge, we don't address whether something is a Prime or a Keystone, but keep it simple and look for what strengthens us and what drains us.  (An aside… Prime means it will help us with the spark or the initial start up energy. Keystone means it provides the body/ energy or holds all the other pieces in place. There is also a drain that is not our best way of starting something, or using the energy from, but is actually our gift when all the sides align.) For my challenge, I am being a Memory Keeper , primarily for my daughters. It started because I was chatting about Christmas 2015 and I had no recol...

Behaviour and Triad of Change

This is the third month chatting about our Triad of Change. Behaviour means we start something with action - it may be movement: walking, exercise or priming exercises, or it may be jumping in to work on the thing that is next needing to be done. We pick Behaviour to go with November as this is the last month we have a chance to take action on our plans for the year before we get caught up in the celebrations of December and the holidays. I think it's a great time to review what are some things you wanted to get done in 2016 - take this opportunity to finish the year on a successful note. Do you have personal or business goals that you can re-start for this last month? We can support you in this!! Join us  online for our  21 Energy Rich Days  challenge, or ask to join our next group. We will play with the Triad of Change to find your most effective strategy for making change in your life. There are lots of great events this month and mark your calendar for our D...