From a Behaviour Person

Thanks for the article Scott! He wrote this on Halloween & was first published in our November newsletter. He's a true behaviour person, so pay attention! 

I don't have a ton of time today to get my point across with Behaviour month. As I sit here near copy deadline (in full Robin from Batman and Robin costume) I need to tell you two things: 1) spandex is not a good look for me... or is it? and 2) The key for me to being in an energy rich state is to start moving.
More on number 2.

Energy rich can be the difference to massive impact. To be there, as discussed in our 21 Days of Energy Rich talk, I am a behaviour person. Meaning... I need to move, start something, move my body or take the first steps (often in the wrong direction) to have my energy bump up a state from neutral. Meaning... motion activates me. And like magic... I feel productive and day to day structure gets done. What I am finding though is, I can spend a lot of time doing the wrong things. Things that are not really aligned with my higher purpose, “the why”, or mission. So over the last few weeks, I have refocused my behaviour on structure creation. This is a big thing for me, because I have to literally move or do something while thinking about a seemingly unrelated structure or map I am trying to create. It can be as simple as walking to work with an “I am walking to work presence” and allowing focus to drift to a system or idea to fully form in my mind. Often this will happen in the shower. I will be mid shampooing my hair and an insight fully formed will pop into my head. Complete structure from A to Z will form. If I was to sit and think, it doesn't work... I have to doodle to think.
These little awareness hacks save me time in some areas and waste time in others, but it does give me certainty that I am on the right track and have bumped up my energy a state, as well as made progress/growth in the overall task I have at hand.
To learn more, ask about our 21 Days of Energy Rich, book in for a private session with me and we can get you sorted on your Triad, your 6 needs and how to hit an energy rich state in seconds. #superelite #energyrich


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