Scott's Thoughts: January Fresh
Elan's Theme for January is Fresh and here are some Thoughts from Scott, our Registered Massage Therapist and Allergy and Sensitivity Testing and Treatment Practitioner at the office.
Wow, what an astonishing year. I'm not talking about 2016... that's done and put to bed. I'm talking about 2017!!!! As we ease, crash and or appear with piles of energy into this new year, I would like to challenge you to find novelty with this following question. When is the last time you did anything for the first time?
I'll ask it again and this time with some bold capitals. WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU DID ANYTHING FOR THE FIRST TIME?
It's a great question. For some of you, you will feel it in your body. Others, your breath will quicken as you read the line again. And some of you will start to imagine and dare I say... give yourself permission to dream for a second or two.
This freshness of thought, action or even structural re framing of experience can be all that it takes to unlock the outstanding year ahead.
What better time than January. The first month, the first week, the first time you read this. It's time to be fresh.
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