Acupuncture and Burns

Did you know that acupuncture can help with more than just back pain? 

In fact, acupuncture can even help with burns and scars left by burns! Pain, infection control, and scars are the most important issues when it comes to burn injuries and acupuncture treatments can solve all these difficulties at once without using medication or surgical procedures.

Acupuncture can remove the feeling of burning pain. Between five minutes and one hour after treatment, depending on the severity, the pain subsides. Usually patients feel the cooling effect of acupuncture needles. The acupuncture treatment (which is around 30 minutes) should be once per day until the site is dry and the scar begins to form. Eventually, the scar will fall off naturally.

The major functions of acupuncture for burn care are:

  • pain control without painkillers
  • stimulating the body’s own healing power to generate new tissue and skin
  • infection control without using any antibiotics
  • not needing surgeries (ie. skin grafts)
  • almost fully recovering not only the tissue and skin, but also the function of the affected part of the body
Acupuncture treatment is just helping our own healing system to optimize its own healing power. Amazing, isn't it?

Please call the office today to book an appointment with me. Acupuncture can help in so many ways and I'm looking forward to meeting many of you!

Thanks to our Acupuncturist at Elan Family Wellness, Stella Choi, for this information on using Acupuncture for Burns and tissue recovery


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