Morning Routine and Gratitude

It's perception month-the third side of our Triad of Change! Perception immediately links me back to Gratitude as well, which is one easy way to change or influence our perception. (And ties nicely with honouring and remembering our Veterans/ Remembrance Day, US Thanksgiving, & our Practice Member of the Month program.)

My favourite recent daily change has been to incorporate Morning Rituals into my day. My current morning ritual has boiled down to 3 things-a few minutes of SomatoRespiratory Integration-usually a Stage One check-in, writing down 3 Gratitudes, and Visualizing my day ahead. This action alone is helping create the routine of gratitude, expecting good things ahead and shifting my perception of my day.

At our recent Energy Rich Day I spoke about how Morning Rituals can help to bridge the GAP between the person who are are today, and help to move us to the person or the action that we hope to create in our life. When there is a gap between today's version of us and tomorrow's version, we need to direct energy into honoring and appreciating today's version, future version, and that space between them. What I find amazing is that using Gratitude on a daily basis keeps us in constant appreciation for who we are today, who and what is in our life, and honors today's starting point, even if we are continuing to make progression in another direction.

I challenge you to spend a week trying a Morning Routine and include writing out your gratitudes. Please let us know how this shifts your perception!  


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