Veggie Packed Smoothies

Recipe of the Month

Veggie Packed Smoothies
Orange, Mango & Carrot
2 oranges, peeled and separated
1 mango, diced
2 carrots, shredded
½ cup milk/nut milk

Strawberry, Banana & Cauliflower
2 cups strawberries
2 bananas
1 cup cauliflower
½ cup milk/nut milk

Kiwi, Pineapple & Spinach
3 kiwis, diced
1 ½ cups pineapple, diced
2 cups spinach
½ cup milk/nut milk

Berries & Broccoli
1 cup strawberries
1 cup blackberries
1 cup raspberries
1 cup broccoli
½ cup milk/nut milk

1. Excluding the milk, combine all ingredients for each smoothie in a resealable bag and freeze. They can be kept in the freezer for up to 6 months!
2. Remove from freezer and pour right into the blender along with the milk. Blend until smooth, and add more milk if needed.
3. Enjoy!


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