Scott's Thoughts: December

Thanks to Scott Hutchison, Registered Massage Therapist at Elan in Bowness/ NW Calgary, for these words to celebrate what our amazing practice members and community have contributed towards! 

Wow... just... wow.  Last year, with your help, Elan Family Wellness raise and purchased over $900  in cash that we turned into food for the little free pantry here in Bowness.  Plus we lugged (and I do mean lugged) well over 200lbs of food from our location over to the pantry. That is massive.  If you averaged that to say... $9 a meal plus the food donated, we easily fed over 120 meals between Dec and Feb.  Thank you.  That is outstanding work and I am so proud to have you a members of our practice here at Elan.  We would like to celebrate you!!!

This December, we are going to do it again.  This time, we will are going to smash last years numbers.  So please... when you can... chip in.  You can win stuff by helping!

Thank you.

One other side note, many of you have insurance coverage still remaining for 2018.  Book in with Lisa or myself and USE IT UP.  Free or partially reimbursed Massage is gold, especially during the nutty Holliday season... don’t waste it.


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