Scott's Thoughts: April, Mother Earth

Thanks to Scott Hutchison, Registered Massage Therapist and Professional Coach, working with us at Elan Family Wellness Centre, in Bowness, NW Calgary, for these thoughts on our April ahead. 

It is a brand new month and we have slid into my favourite month. Yes, April is my favourite because it is when Calgary wakes up from its long winter slumber. The daylight grows and so do the plants. My kids wander outside to help wake up our sleepy yard. I wander out and take stock of the work that needs to happen.

If we look to this new season Mother Earth had gifted us, we can use it quite easily as a metaphor for our own life. Spring is a transformational season. A season when the resting and reflection gives way to motion, action and novelty. Like the first buds on the hedge. The small green shoots poking through the earth to become the first blooms of the year. Our lives go through these cycles. Expansion, contraction and a neutral static state.

Recently, I started offering formally a personal coaching service here at Elan. It is a natural offshoot of my Energy Rich Day programs, the notion that people do in fact have a need to understand their own personal natural laws. How their bodies heal, do and be within our prevailing culture... without the powerful modelling and story attached.

To that end, I have started a new FaceBook group to uplift and inspire those who want to Be More : Do More : Live More and have  an Energy Rich Lifestyle. For those early adopters who want to get started on hacking their own personal operating system or learning the true green thumb magic of the garden of your mind... pop over to and see what others are saying. While you’re there, grab a time slot for 20 minute chat on me. We might not need 20 minutes to see if working closely together is possible right now, but we will have a firm certainty of what season you are in right now.

Please note... its first come first serve due to my increasing load and limited time. (Hint... act fast) And as always... Massage Therapy is available and my table is waiting.


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