Mindfulness over Routines and Habits

Thank you to Dr Robert Clarke, Chiropractor at Elan Family Wellness in Bowness, NW Calgary, for this article on incorporating mindfulness into our daily routine. 

In life it is easy to fall into routines and habits. The upside of this is we don’t have to expend a lot of our attention to get many daily tasks done. On the other hand it can become easy to let routines and habits take over too many aspects of our lives, this is where its important to bring mindfulness in our lives on a daily basis. “Take time to Smell the Flowers”

Slow down, allow your senses to expand, breath deeper, in doing this we bring more mindfulness into our lives. When paying more attention to all of our senses we begin to understand that not only our sight, smell, sound, touch and taste are more sensitive, but our intuitive senses also improve. Firstly, this helps you know when your body is in a stressed ”Fight or Flight" and when it is in “Rest and Digest” this awareness informs us. Technology has progressed so that we can use Biofeedback to give us visual or auditory feedback to let us know what state our nervous system is in. We use this at our office to help us see how your Nervous System is functioning. You can also purchase small feedback units from companies like “Heart Math” so you can practice bringing your system into balance. The goal is that over time you develop your mindfulness to the point that you can easily monitor your internal stress levels and adjust them accordingly. In addition to improving your natural healing abilities, it allows you to observe the world differently giving you the chance to engage with the world in a more conscious way.

Given practice, this has the potential to improve your health and your relationships both professional and personal. It can also make life more fun and interesting.


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