Scott’s Thoughts: Mindfulness May

Thank you to Scott Hutchison, Registered Massage Therapist and Professional Coach, with Elan Family Wellness Centre in Bowness, NW Calgary, on this article on may mindfulness.

This I find to be a loaded weapon. When I sink down into a process like mindfulness... or as I know it... now-ness, I am hijacked, to some extent, by the stories I carry around.  And inevitably, I move from mindfulness/now-ness to a painful memory from the past that may pop up on me during my experience. It kinda sucks.
To counter this... I have learned to simply give myself permission to come again and again into my mindfulness. Often I would beat myself up about it.  Now, I recognize that when my mind does this... it is doing so as some weird or misguided protection strategy. But giving myself the permission to have a second or two of wandering and gently move my mind back to “now”... I regain control over my mind from a higher level of optimization. Then I practice and practice.
Usually this is playing out as I am “mindfully washing dishes” or mowing the lawn or driving or even having a conversation.
With practice... Mindfulness can move you to focus of laser sharpness and creativity of the unimaginable.
~ Scott


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