Vision Quest Insights from Dr Robert Clarke

Thank you to Dr Robert Clarke, Network Spinal Practitioner at Elan Family Wellness, in Bowness, NW Calgary, for these insights from his recent Vision Quest. June is our Appreciation Month! 

I recently had the honor of doing a Vision Quest, during which I got to sit for 4 days on a Beautiful parcel of land with myself, the earth and the cosmos. I received many insights over those days, one of the biggest gifts was appreciation of my journey and all the blessings I have. My health, my children, my work, my friends and family, this beautiful country and so much more. I am truly grateful for the teachings I have received throughout my life. The vision quest had less than ideal conditions, during the rain and the snow of that weekend I saw the reflections of those challenges and the challenges I have faced in my life. When things are flowing well in my life, I am grateful, when challenges come my way I work to see the lessons. It takes practice and often the wisdom gained, or the gifts are not fully understood or appreciated until we have time to reflect and see that those challenges made us stronger, taught us something or changed our course in a way that served us.

Take some time and reflect on your journey to this stage in your life. See how when the going gets tough we learn, we reach out, build bridges, cut old ties all of which help us grow and become more resourceful. The other thing that happens is that our appreciation for the good things in life grows, allowing us to spend more of our life in gratitude.

In the business of life gratitude isn’t always at the forefront of our minds. Take a little time each day to check in with the blessing in your life. If you are going through challenging times, see how you are growing and evolving, this will help you access gratitude and find joy regardless of your circumstances.
Thank you all for the lessons you have taught me.

~ Dr. Rob


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