Keeping Healthy on Holidays

We are in Prague for a holiday.  Prague is known for many things-Charles Bridge, Prague Castle,  historic churches and buildings on every block, its Communist past, its Jewish history, its eclectic nightlife, marionettes and Easter Eggs.  And hearty meals, including various forms of pork with potato dumplings, sauerkraut, and beer.  While beer is not my weakness, this is: 

Hot Chocolate at the Choco Cafe

We coincidentally just happen to be across the street from a Choco Cafe.  We've been there three times, so far.  Cherry and Almond hot chocolate, chocolate with sea salt, chocolate with brandy, banana hot chocolate, chocolate and cafe and plain old hot chocolate with milk and whipped cream.

Needless to say, its possible my health may suffer.  

Fortunately to combat this, the city comes built in with the solution: Stairs and lots of hills.  

For instance, to see this:

View of Prague from Prague Castle viewpoint

You need to climb this:  

We doubled the challenge by carrying an extra 40 pounds (well, 38 to be exact).  Our daughter has been very clever by saying her "legs hurt" and so got to be carried in the Ergo backpack, until we called her on it a couple of days later.  (She did catch a small cold so we were babying her).

Our apartment is on the third floor-which somehow translates to the fifth floor attic-at 110 steps a go.  (We're not complaining-we can also see the Castle and the spires from Old Town square).  

There are stairs everywhere-as the city existed before a new layer was added many restaurants are below ground, the metro is about 4-5 stories down.  

The cobblestones- I consider walking on them a bit like walking on sand as they use muscles that you normally don't use for walking.  

One tour that we took to Kutna Hora (the bone place) involved lots of speed walking and a mad running dash to the train.  Our tour guide apologized profusely.  

Considering our nutribullet is back home, and our semi-paleo diet is out the window, what are we doing to combat the chocolate, wine, beer, pizza, and potato dumplings?  
  • I packed my multivitamin, extra probiotics, and an immune-digestive helper, plus lots of Vitamin D 
  • We had melatonin to help with the jet lag, and my biotone to help with sleep (or just swap out a super essential fatty acid).
  • Homeopathics are packed-arnica, oscillo, pulsatilla, and a couple flu and cold back ups.
  • Packed the traumeel cream.  
  • We cook 1-2 meals a day at our apartment, with food from the grocery or markets.  Enough that we're not tired of either eating out too much, or eating in too much.  
  • We pack apples and bananas and nutrition bars and water most days.   
The jet lag thing?  Surprisingly not too bad this time around.  Scarlett had one day when she napped from 2pm-7pm and was up that night, and aside from the occasional nap, we seem to be on a normal schedule, just 7-or is it 8 hours?-ahead.

May all of our travels be healthy ones!  


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