Pregnancy Tips

It's Mother Earth Month at Elan Family Wellness Centre.  Here's a guest post from our Reflexologist Sandra to help you through pregnancy!  

Top 10 pregnancy tips

1. Get comfy clothes (think pants with the big band on top, yes those). Invest in some supportive bras in larger sizes, some sports bras work well too.

2. Get a support team together (doula, post partum doula if you need extra help other than family & friends).

3. Get educated on what kind of birth you would like (water birth, birthing centre, midwives). Read both Ina May books.

4. Think about nutrition and source some places for healthy foods. Plan some easy meal prep and high protein snacks and have them on hand, you WILL get hungry fast!

5. Use your benefits, check out acupuncture, chiro, massage etc. and treat your growing body to some relaxation and re-aligning.

6. Move! Walking, swimming, prenatal yoga... It'll do you and baby good.

7. Be gentle with yourself. This us a time of huge and crazy hormonal adjustments, and you are growing a human! Cut back on extra curricular stuff that isn't a necessity and schedule yourself some down time.

8. Explore homeopathics and other energetic medicines for pregnancy symptom relief (nausea, sciatic, emotional, etc).

9. Get away for a short holiday if you can before baby comes. Relaxation and a break from your routine may be just what you (and your partner) need as a reconnection and motivation towards the "home stretch".

10. If you are planning to breastfeed, do some research on that as well (as well as finding out where to get some professional support if needed), and give you and babe at least 6 or 8 weeks to learn if you can.

Here's to your happy and healthy pregnancy! 

Sandra Catania, Holistic Reflexologist


  1. Fantastic tips. I'll definitely be coming to your blog whenever the year is it happens for me :] Thanks for sharing us these wonderful tips.
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  2. Really nice tips. I really need tips on pregnancy so these are helpful for me. I am 22 weeks pregnant and not feel good i feel morning sickness and also lower back pain.
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