Attitude of Gratitude

Our theme for October is Perception. I'm happy to share this article from Dr Robert Clarke (Chiropractor and Reorganizational Healing Practitioner with us at Elan) on Gratitude. 

Do you maintain an Attitude of Gratitude? It's easy when things are going your way. The true test is to keep it when you face challenges in life. Often on reflection you can see the gifts you have gained going through difficult times. Years later those challenging events can even be looked on with humor and satisfaction. The sense of accomplishment of having overcome those difficult times is gratifying.

The goal is to be able to shift to that place of gratitude in the moment. Don’t wait for time to pass to see the lessons, the wisdom being gained, the gifts. What happens over time is that your perception of the situation changes. The cool thing is perception can change in an instant. All we have to do is get out of the way, let go of our “poor me” story and look at our current circumstances from a different perspective. Innovators do this all the time. A challenging situation comes up, they get through it, observing the elements. As they experience the situation, solutions begin to percolate. As soon as it's practical to do so they begin either offering advice on solutions or developing a strategy so that can be implemented so others don’t have to suffer as they did.

A classic example is Richard Branson, a well known business man who often traveled for business. Branson was waiting for a fight on a commercial airline. After numerous delays he got frustrated. Rather than simply complain, he took it upon himself to get together a group of other travelers going to the same destination (it wasn’t difficult, as they were standing around him waiting for the same flight) and they chartered a plane together. So began Virgin Airlines.

So allow yourself to see things from a different perspective. Look for the opportunities that may take you from stress to gratitude. Use a touchstone, like a picture of someone you love or your favorite place, an object that feels good to your touch. Something that reminds you to shift to a place of gratitude.

~ Dr.Rob


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