Crazy Eight

Thanks for Scott for some words about Crazy Eight. We also published this in our Elan February Newsletter. 

I'm going to stick a pin in all this talk of warmth and talk about what Tony Robbins calls the Crazy Eight. (A perception) Thankfully it is not eight things I have to go through...It is just two things, separated by a bunch of energy.

Background. I have often spoke of the Triad of Change here and how I am a behaviour person, however, for years thought for sure that I was a structure person. I would try and create a structure (plan, map, strategy) that would cover all bases. I would scheme and plan and puzzle and avoid and generally become bummed out by the whole process of getting all my poop in a group. I would perceive poorly and structure even worst. Energy would drop and I would become depressed.
Depression.... That is the same as Anger... but without the energy. Conversely... Anger is just depression without the giant energy surge. (I say surge... because it in not long lasting or very stable).
Recently, I now know if I was to lead with behaviour... the action will generate good feelings in my body/mind and structures seem to manifest into my reality effortlessly. Meaning... I jump off the cliff knowing the net will be there at the exact moment I need it. Also... feelings guide me that I am on the right tract to the right structures at the right time, because I am energy rich with behaviour. Yay!!
So... if I start with that structure or trying to feel good about a task, I bottom out. Depression set in. I become very indecisive and uncertain. (Structure requires a good measure of certainty and if I can't be certain about a plan or structure...I'm dead in the water) Time goes by until... disaster is looming or Josephene has gotten on my case. I then get mad at myself... really mad. So mad (as Tony says anger is a really good way to get certain) energies and I start making sometimes irrational yet concrete decisions and structure bases on the unstable energy of Anger. Meaning... I go from depression (energy poor) to anger (energy rich). Stuff happens at that point... lots of stuff.... usually that is just certainty of structure allowing behaviour (any behaviour to take hold). No growth really happens, no contribution happens... it's just burning off the energy of the rage back down to depression. Over and Over again. Like a infinity symbol. A side ways eight. A closed loop pattern that I get stuck in. The Crazy Eight.

Mad to sad and back again.

Do you Crazy Eight? I do. But... If I want to have the big result I am looking for... I need to stick to my lead strategy, I feel good and the right structures happen. Like magic. To beat the crazy eight... I use Awareness, Acknowledgement and Acceptance. The AAA. And that, I will talk about next time.


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