Fire Cider: Warming Immune Support

Our theme for February at Elan is warmth. Here's a recipe for Fire Cider from our Community Herbalist Melanie Stevens Isles.

I know for me that by the time February rolls around winter can start to drag a little. I'm not one of those people that love skiing and the other winter sports. I do try but I'm just a person that prefers the sun and warmth. So I'm glad our theme for the month is warmth. Just thinking about it brings me to a happy place. 

One way that I keep warm and my immune system supported through the long winter is with fire cider. This simple traditional recipe has been made for generations. It is a folk remedy so it can be made in many variations depending on what grew in your garden or personal preferences. The basics are that it is a spicy and tangy tonic that is warming to the core. The standard ingredients are apple cider vinegar, honey, horseradish, garlic, onions, ginger and hot peppers.

This is how I made mine this year - 
4 heads of garlic (not individual cloves, the whole head)
2 onions
2 hot peppers
1 chunk of fresh horseradish about the size of two thumbs
Apple cider vinegar
local raw honey
Chop, mince or grate all of the veggies. You may want to wear rubber gloves to protect your hands. Add them to a large jar. Cover with equal parts honey and vinegar. Stir the mixture. Cover with a plastic lid, the vinegar will corrode a metal lid. Allow to sit on the counter for at least two weeks, stir or shake whenever you remember. This will ferment the mix. After a couple weeks you can strain the liquid. Keep the veggies and add them to soups or stir fries, or add some tomatoes for a yummy salsa. 

To use - take 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of the liquid each day over the winter. This will be warming and invigorating. Boosting immunity and helping to keep germs at bay. I like to dilute mine in a little water if I find its too strong. It can also be used to add a little kick to soups or stews, I've even mixed a little in my mash potatoes at dinner time. 
Other herbs that can be added to your mix might include - rosemary, thyme, turmeric, peppercorns, astragalus, any citrus fruit, burdock root or rose hips. Don't feel limited by this list any herbs will do. 

Try it out and let me know what you think! 

If you are ready to kick start your health book an herbal wellness consulation with me. Together we will get you on track to make 2017 an amazing year!


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