Scott's Thoughts~April

Thanks to Scott Hutchison, our resident Registered Massage Therapist at Elan, for his thoughts this April! 
It's Wednesday March 28th at 5:05am and I am working on my April article. This happens to be version 3.0 of the article. The first article was an introduction to EpiEnergetics. But I got to a point in the writing process where I needed way more exposition than I could fit in the space of a newsletter. So I jumped onto an article about how health care shares similar parallels to the consumer electronics industry. The slow roll out of new technologies generally is controlled for monetary reasons and not necessarily for the benefit of the public. Then I took a shot at the educational system and was working my way up to a swing at the government. So I stopped.
What I want to talk about, really, is not the broken or the newest thing. I want to talk about the programs running in your head and my head. You see, we have both been programed by our culture and our environment to respond, for the most part, the same ways given a set of conditions. I have been working hard to shift my responses, change the story if you will, but the prevailing culture really pulls and tugs at my mind to reboot those old ways of thinking, behaving, and seeing. It creates tension in my body and tension in my life. It drops my energy and the amount of energy I have in my system really determines that quality of thought, action, and look of my life. It's that tension and flagging of energy that put the brakes on the two articles I was writing and you will most likely never see them until you buy my upcoming book... if I ever get to writing it. I stopped writing those articles mentioned above because they really only serve me at that current energy level... my state. I value your time reading this much more and I think I can be more impactful and add value to your life by just saying the following.
If you need a ear to listen or a pair of hands to help... I am here and willing. But know that you are not your story. Your state governs your story. Let me show you how to change your state. Together, we can have impact on our own lives and the lives of our family/community/world.


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