Gratitude for Life

It's Appreciation Month at Elan Family Wellness.  I'm happy to have Sandra Catania with us today as a guest blogger.  Sandra works with us at Elan Family Wellness Centre as a Reflexologist and a Flower Essence Student in Training.  She is also Owner of Goddess Mommies and mom to two littles.  

This was previously published in our March newsletter.

It is said that the more you appreciate things, the more good things come into your life to appreciate. I believe in this wholeheartedly, and in the whole concept of Gratitude. It took me quite a long time, and quite a few years of struggling, before I finally came to embrace this way of thinking. 

As a moody teenager, my mother used to have me write lists of "things to be happy about" in order to cultivate my attitude of gratitude. Something must have sunk in somewhere along the way as now I would definitely describe myself as a glass half full type of person. Thinking positively and feeling appreciation for all the good I have in my life (instead of focusing on the lack) has been paramount to turning things around.

There has been plenty to be appreciative for over the past few weeks, as I have been spending them on holiday in California, visiting my snow bird in-laws. Sunshine, sunsets, a swimming pool, plenty of locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables, the list goes on and on. But the thing we appreciate most? That my father in law is still here with us to enjoy these things. You see, he had a health scare about 6 weeks ago and we weren't sure that he was going to make it. So each day more with him has been a gift, and it looks now as though he will be making a full recovery. This brings so much joy and gratitude to our hearts, and helps us to appreciate all the little and big things that much more. 

Have you told someone that you appreciate them today?


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