Spring Equinox

Happy Spring Equinox!  So much anticipation and excitement for our upcoming spring weather, sun, and returning to life outside.  What new beginnings are you welcoming into your life? 

I've been hearing and reading some disgruntled parents complaining about the plethora of (commercial) holidays that schools, kids, and society feel we need to celebrate.   Yes, we had a pie on pie day.  Yes, I celebrated St. Patrick's Day with lots of shamrocks, rainbows, Scott with his Guiness, and a nod to our Irish ancestry.  Yes, Easter will be celebrated with egg painting and an egg hunt.  Yes, I am marking the equinox and am considering having the bonfire tonight.  Yes, we like the routines and rituals associated with many of the holidays and it helps us to mark the calendar with celebrations to look forward to.  But, absolutely no expectations that we will mark every one-we didn't even send Valentine's to school this year and nothing came smashing down on our heads the next day.  And I hold no expectations that other families / individuals want to celebrate as we do.     

Some fun facts coming off of facebook:  Ostara, Eástre and Eostre are all names for one of the (few) 'Sun' Goddesses* worshiped by our European pagan ancestors as the Goddess of the growing light of spring. Her 'holy day' (holiday) was the Spring Equinox. 

Anything with a Goddess associated with it, I can support.  

From the Power Path:  Today is Spring equinox at March 20, 5:02 A.M. MDT. "This is always a great day to celebrate the beginning of something new, a new beginning for any part of your life. We often suggest a ritual of burning the old and then celebrating the space for something new. Celebrate in your own way and keep in mind that the equinox initiates this highly energetic time of manifesting and action."

Today I am wearing orange-it feels spring-like and sun-like.  It feels like a positive, good energy day.  I am eager to see how the rest of this crazy month unfolds.  We will have a staff meeting at work to discuss upcoming crazy month.  I will reflect on my vision board, on my 2013 goals/ resolutions... and maybe finish the day with that bonfire if we scrounge up some fire wood in time.  

Happy Spring to You!  


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